On 28th October Sunday 2018 St. Dominic Church, Ashoknagar celebrated the mission Sunday. Weeks ahead of this, the Ward Gurkars / representatives distributed calendars and envelops to all the families to enable them to contribute their mite for this noble cause and also collected the old mission boxes.
The Parish thanked the Lord for his presence and strength for the mission during the Eucharistic celebration at 8 am on 28th Sunday. After mass the Parish council had organised sale of various food item like Chicken Biryani, Chicken sukka, Pork bafath, Sorpathel, idlies and apams, tea/coffee etc. Rates of each item were displayed and coupons were sold in advance. The parishioners have responded to purchase the coupons in time and extended their full co-operation and support.
Apart from this, in order to augment the collection, the Parish Council had decided to collect any articles from the parishioners which could be sold in auction on 28.10.2018 after the mass at the church premises. In response to this the parishioners donated items like – home made wine, eggs, plantains, craft items, flowers, attractive rosaries, ash guard and also a pig from the Dominican community.
Our YCS group have sold Cup Cakes prepared by their animator Mrs. Deborah Locker and Mr. Suraj Nunes.
Our ICYM group have presented beautiful - hand painted pictures of mother Mary and Jesus. There was also a painting made of Charcoal. All these have attracted the attention of the parishioners. The ICYM have handled the auction in a lucid and systematic manner.
Our Seminary Brothers from the Dominican Community sold various pickles made of garlic, fish, lime etc. prepared under the leadership and guidance of Rev.Fr. Sebastian.
The parish priest, Rev. Fr. Aquin Noronha OP thanked all the organisers and participants for their whole hearted support in making this event a successful one for a noble cause.